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“This Oro is bound, it’s obvious, to shake up the hierarchy… indus, shall we say, or experimental, and constitutes one of the finest surprises of the current year.” (Core and Co)
“The rhythm of their tracks is largely improvised, and it’s only at the studio stage that they organize their musical structure to deliver an intuitive, almost tribal music imbued with their travels filled with atypical landscapes.” (Café Babel)
Arrivant tout droit des falaises isolées et des paysages panoramiques des Iles Féroé, Orka a tout pour être différent mais le fait que ses membres fabriquent eux-mêmes leurs instruments est sans doute ce qui les rend uniques.
Coming straight from the remote cliffs and panoramic landscapes of the Faroe Islands, Orka has everything to be different, but the fact that its members make their own instruments is undoubtedly what makes them unique.